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Higginbotham and Adams Benefit Join Forces: A Partnership Rooted in Shared Values and Community Commitment

"Higginbotham and Adams Benefit Join Forces: A Partnership Rooted in Shared Values and Community Commitment"
Higginbotham Welcomes Aboard Adams Benefit of Boca Raton, Florida

Higginbotham, Texas’ premier independent insurance, financial, and HR services firm, has expanded its reach by partnering with Adams Benefit of Boca Raton, Florida. This strategic alliance brings together two firms known for their commitment to client service, team support, and community investment, setting the stage for mutual growth and success.

  1. Strategic Growth Vision by Higginbotham
    • Higginbotham Chairman and CEO, Rusty Reid, emphasizes strategic growth by building relationships with agencies in targeted regions.
    • The partnership with Adams Benefit aligns with Higginbotham’s expansion plans into South Florida.
    • Shared culture of client service, team support, and community investment as the foundation of the partnership.
  2. Adams Benefit’s Perspective
    • Adams Benefit Founder and CEO, David B. Adams II, highlights the alignment of values and shared commitment to community service.
    • The partnership with Higginbotham resonates with Adams Benefit’s long-standing family-operated approach since 1975.
    • Positive start to the relationship with Higginbotham’s professionalism and support during the transition.
  3. Employee Benefits Collaboration
    • Adams Benefit Vice President of Employee Benefits, Meaghan Haines, looks forward to leveraging Higginbotham’s resources for a comprehensive service offering.
    • One-stop-shop service combining benefits-focused expertise with property and casualty insurance capabilities.
  4. Community and Client Commitment
    • Both firms emphasize their dedication to community service, client relationships, and treating carrier partners and teammates as family.
    • Adams Benefit, now part of Higginbotham’s larger family, aims to share national resources while preserving its community-oriented approach.
    • The partnership promises enhanced client service and a broader range of tools and resources to manage risk and human resources.
  5. Shared Excitement and Future Outlook
    • David B. Adams II concludes by expressing excitement about joining a larger family while maintaining the essence of a community-oriented, family business.
    • The unified vision is to share Higginbotham’s national resources and family-like culture with the community and clients of Adams Benefit.

The partnership between Higginbotham and Adams Benefit is a testament to the power of shared values, mutual respect, and a commitment to community and client service. As Higginbotham expands its footprint into South Florida, it does so with a partner that shares its vision and dedication to excellence. Together, they are poised to offer enhanced services and resources, ensuring continued growth and success while maintaining their core values and community-focused approach.