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Beating Burnout: The Power of Inclusion in the Workplace

Beating Burnout: The Power of Inclusion in the Workplace
Half of Workers Around the World Are Struggling with Burnout
  • Boston Consulting Group’s latest report unveils the prevalence of burnout among employees globally and highlights the pivotal role of inclusion in combating it.
  • Explore how addressing four key factors of inclusion significantly reduces burnout rates and enhances employee well-being.
  1. Burnout Prevalence:
    • On average, 48% of workers across eight countries report experiencing burnout, emphasizing the urgent need for intervention.
    • The report identifies inclusion as a potent antidote to burnout, with inclusive environments halving burnout rates.
  2. Inclusion Impact:
    • Inclusive workplaces foster feelings of value, respect, and belonging, reducing turnover costs and enhancing employee retention.
    • BCG’s BLISS Index quantifies inclusion, focusing on access to resources, managerial support, psychological safety, and equal opportunity.

Four Key Sentiments:

  • Good access to resources
  • Senior managerial support
  • Psychological safety with direct manager
  • Fair and equal opportunity for success These sentiments significantly influence employees’ sense of inclusion and correlate with reduced burnout.

Addressing Subgroup Disparities:

  • Certain subgroups, including women, LGBTQ+ individuals, people with disabilities, and deskless workers, experience higher burnout rates and lower inclusion levels.
  • Prioritizing inclusion efforts for these groups is essential for mitigating burnout and fostering a supportive work environment.

Strategic Approach:

  • Building inclusion requires ongoing dialogue and action, focusing on understanding and addressing employees’ needs.
  • Gabrielle Novacek emphasizes the importance of ongoing engagement and tailored interventions to enhance inclusion and combat burnout effectively.
  • By prioritizing inclusion and addressing the four key sentiments, employers can mitigate burnout, attract talent, and cultivate a thriving workforce.
  • BCG’s report provides actionable insights for organizations to foster a culture of inclusion and well-being, driving sustainable success.