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HomeNewsNew Survey Reveals Managers’ Preferences for In-Person vs. Remote Workers

New Survey Reveals Managers’ Preferences for In-Person vs. Remote Workers

New Survey Reveals Managers’ Preferences for In-Person vs. Remote Workers Survey Reveals Half of Managers Are More Invested in Their In-Person vs. Remote Employees’ Growth, a leading resource for professional resume templates and career advice, has published a new survey report exploring managers’ views on in-person versus remote workers. Conducted in June 2024, the survey gathered insights from 626 managers on how they perceive and prioritize employees based on their work environment.

  • Perception of Professional Skills
    • 76% of managers believe that in-person employees are easier to train compared to 15% who find remote employees easier to train.
    • 58% of managers view in-person employees as better leaders, while only 13% think remote workers excel in leadership roles.
    • In-person employees are seen as having better communication skills, being more accountable, trustworthy, and demonstrating a better attitude overall.
  • Investment in Employee Growth
    • 56% of managers are more invested in the growth of in-person employees.
    • 44% are neutral about investing in employee growth, and less than 1% prioritize the growth of remote employees.
    • Reasons for this preference include accessibility, the ability to build strong relationships, contributing to a positive work environment, and ease of performance assessments.
  • Likelihood of Termination
    • 25% of managers are more likely to fire remote workers, compared to 17% for in-person employees.
    • Reasons for this disparity include the belief that remote workers require more supervision, miss deadlines more often, and face more technical issues.
  • Challenges in Managing Remote Teams
    • Managers struggle with adapting old management techniques to a remote workforce, revealing a need for new training and strategies.
    • Stacie Haller, ResumeBuilder’s Chief Career Advisor, notes that many managers lack the experience needed to manage remote staff effectively, leading to a preference for those they can see and manage more directly.
  • Survey Date: June 12, 2024
  • Participants: 626 managers
  • Criteria: Managed both in-person and remote employees, worked at least partially in-person, and operated in a corporate setting. Participants were over 25 years old, with a household income of at least $50,000, and held managerial or higher-level roles at companies with more than 10 employees.

The survey by highlights a clear preference among managers for in-person employees over remote workers. The findings reflect beliefs about professional skills, training efficacy, and leadership qualities, along with a tendency to be more invested in the growth and stability of in-person staff. As remote work continues to evolve, managers may need to develop new skills and strategies to balance their approach to managing both in-person and remote teams.