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Optimizing Workload: A Guide for HR Leaders by McLean & Company

Optimizing Workload: A Guide for HR Leaders by McLean & Company
Organizations Must Effectively Manage Employee Workload or Risk Increased Disengagement and Turnover: New Resource From McLean & Company

As organizations prioritize employee experience, understanding and optimizing workload become critical. McLean & Company’s HR Guide to Measuring Workload offers insights into workload optimization, highlighting its impact on engagement and organizational success.

The Importance of Workload Optimization

McLean & Company emphasizes HR leaders’ strategic role in optimizing workload to foster employee engagement and mitigate risks such as disengagement and turnover. Addressing workload challenges requires intentional measurement and targeted interventions.

Insights from Grace Ewles

Grace Ewles, Director of HR Research & Advisory Services at McLean & Company, underscores the need for meaningful change in workload optimization. Balancing workload is essential to avoid burnout and disengagement, promoting employee well-being and retention.

McLean & Company’s guide is structured into three sections:

  1. Introduction to Workload: Defining workload and exploring factors influencing it.
  2. Workload Measures: Detailing measurement techniques, including subjective, performance, and physiological measures.
  3. Recommended Interventions: Providing strategies for organizational, team, and individual-level interventions to optimize workload.
Proactive Approach to Workload Management

McLean & Company advises proactive monitoring of workload dynamics and continuous adjustment of interventions. Deep understanding of underlying causes enables organizations to consistently support employees in achieving an optimal workload.

To access the full HR Guide to Measuring Workload and explore upcoming webinars, visit McLean & Company’s website. Register for Signature 2024, the premier industry conference for HR leaders, to gain valuable insights and networking opportunities.

Empower your organization with McLean & Company’s insights on workload optimization. By understanding, measuring, and addressing workload challenges, HR leaders can create environments conducive to employee engagement and organizational success.