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HomeNewsPhenom Hosts Industry Week: Transforming Recruitment and Retention Across 7 Key Sectors

Phenom Hosts Industry Week: Transforming Recruitment and Retention Across 7 Key Sectors

Phenom Hosts Industry Week: Transforming Recruitment and Retention Across 7 Key Sectors
Phenom Industry Week 2024: Provides Essential Guidance on Industry-Specific Hiring and Retention Opportunities for Human Resources

Phenom’s Industry Week is set to address industry-specific hiring and retention challenges through intelligence, automation, and experience-enhancing solutions.

  • Event Scope: A five-day virtual event starting July 29, focusing on Retail, Hotels, Restaurants, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Transportation, and Financial Services.
  • Format: Bite-sized sessions featuring insights and actionable strategies from industry leaders and Phenom experts, showcasing AI-powered solutions tailored to each vertical.
  • Objectives: Educate on modern practices for attraction, skills development, retention, and scalable hiring using AI and automation.
  • Audience: Professionals seeking industry-specific solutions to enhance recruitment and employee retention strategies.


  • Industry Focus: Deep dives into macro trends, specific use cases, and real-world examples from leading global brands.
  • Expert Insights: Industry ambassadors provide state-of-the-industry updates, while Phenom demonstrates effective AI strategies.
  • Flexibility: Attendees can customize their experience by choosing sessions relevant to their industry challenges and goals.

Phenom Industry Week promises to equip organizations with the tools and knowledge needed to navigate and thrive in their respective industries’ unique talent landscapes.