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Unily’s ‘Digital Noise Impact Report Reveals Disruptive Effects of Workplace Notifications on Employee Well-being and Productivity

Unily's 'Digital Noise Impact Report' Reveals Disruptive Effects of Workplace Notifications on Employee Well-being and Productivity
Distracted Every 15 Minutes: Unily Research Exposes Workplace Digital Noise Crisis

Unily, a leading Employee Experience Platform provider, unveils findings from its ‘Digital Noise Impact Report,’ revealing significant disruptions caused by workplace digital notifications on employee well-being and productivity.

Key Findings from the Digital Noise Impact Report:

  • Frequency of Distractions: The report indicates that nearly half of employees experience distractions from digital notifications at least once every 30 minutes, with a third distracted every 15 minutes. This constant interruption totals over 160 distractions per week per employee, impacting focus and productivity.
  • Impact on Well-being: Digital tools designed for productivity, such as video conferencing, email, and messaging platforms, contribute to workplace stress for nearly 60% of employees. This highlights a critical issue in managing digital noise effectively.
  • Perception of Tools: Despite their distracting nature, tools like email (91%), intranets (84%), messaging platforms (83%), and video conferencing (80%) are still deemed effective in facilitating job tasks and connectivity within the workplace.

Insights on AI and Superapp Strategies:

  • AI as a Solution: A majority of employees (59%) believe that AI can mitigate excessive notifications and prioritize important ones, emphasizing its potential role in managing digital noise.
  • Superapp Strategy Support: Over 83% of respondents view a workplace superapp—an integrated platform for all digital tools—as a positive initiative to streamline workflow and reduce digital clutter.

Challenges for Managers:

  • Managerial Impact: Managers experience even more frequent distractions than employees, impacting their cognitive load and potentially affecting overall team engagement and productivity.

Recommendations for Organizations:

  • Strategic Approach Needed: The report underscores the importance for organizations to adopt strategies that reduce digital noise while enhancing employee experience and productivity. This includes leveraging AI and considering superapp solutions to streamline workflows effectively.

Quote from Chris Ciauri, CEO of Unily: “Our research highlights the urgent need for organizations to address digital noise in the workplace. Strategic use of AI and superapp solutions can significantly improve employee experience and organizational agility.”

Unily’s ‘Digital Noise Impact Report’ serves as a wake-up call for organizations to rethink their approach to digital tools and notifications. By implementing smarter solutions, businesses can mitigate distractions, improve employee well-being, and foster a more productive work environment.