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HomeNewsContrary to layoffs, Cashin maintains growth and hiring

Contrary to layoffs, Cashin maintains growth and hiring

The fintech, which innovated the management and distribution of incentive rewards, has more than doubled the number of employees and is looking for new talent

According to the Layoffs Brasil platform, the wave of mass layoffs that hit Brazilian startups laid off around 35 thousand professionals. On the contrary, Cashin, the only multiplatform for managing and distributing digital prizes in Brazil, found the recipe to continue growing in the midst of this scenario in innovation and personalization of the service. 

“We created an area that works like a startup within a startup. With this, we increased vacancies for the IT team. The new opportunities resulted in a 125% growth in the number of employees in one year, with new hires for the IT teams core and innovation”, explains Luciana Ramos , CEO of Cashin.

Cashin developed a 100% digital multiplatform to encourage sales teams and other employees from companies in the most varied segments, valuing the results achieved with awards. The platform was born innovative, offering security and legal support to the companies that reward and more freedom for those who rescue. Through the platform, winners can use the extra money to pay bills, bank transfers and debit purchases, among other options, instead of receiving the famous gift cards for specific services with an expiration date.

The CEO explains that, although it is impossible to compare the trajectory of different startups, there is a common theme that can be a challenge for most: obsolescence. ” Without a commitment to continuous innovation, what is new quickly becomes obsolete. And the best strategy may simply be to listen to the end customer about how your solution can adapt to their specific needs”, explains the executive.

Therefore, the secret to Cashin’s growth, says Luciana Ramos , was to bring the customer into the Innovation area. Thus, fitnech is able to offer quick and relevant solutions to the market, almost in real time, and always with four hands. “Apart from that, developing unique solutions also means expanding the scope of resources to support other companies in new challenges”, she adds.

Along this path, one of the projects was the recent incorporation of new functionalities to the multiplatform, which now allows, in addition to the digital and instant distribution of awards, the automation of campaigns to motivate the team in just five steps, without the need for specialized agencies, designers and hotsites, among other services that cost this type of initiative.