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HireClix Annual Report Reveals Consumer Perceptions about the Job Search, the Candidate Experience and Other Workforce Trends

HireClix Annual Report Reveals Consumer Perceptions about the Job Search, the Candidate Experience and Other Workforce Trends
HireClix Annual Report Reveals Consumer Perceptions about the Job Search, the Candidate Experience and Other Workforce Trends

The annual Candidate Experience Survey conducted by HireClix provides valuable insights into consumer preferences and trends in the job search process. Here are the key highlights from the survey:

  1. Job Search Platforms: Consumers primarily use Indeed, LinkedIn, Google, and ZipRecruiter for job searching. Additionally, direct visits to company career sites are common. Mobile phones and computers are the preferred devices for job searching.
  2. Job Application Process: Long and cumbersome job application processes deter a significant portion of job seekers, reducing the available talent pool for employers.
  3. Skills-based Hiring: There is a growing desire among job seekers to move away from prioritizing resumes and focus more on skills during the hiring process. Many believe that their resumes do not accurately demonstrate their skills.
  4. Dating Apps for Job Seeking: While some recruiters explore leveraging dating apps for job opportunities, many consumers are not receptive to this idea, with a significant portion stating it would negatively impact their perception of the employer’s brand.
  5. Social Media Impact: A considerable number of consumers believe that their social media presence could negatively impact their ability to get a job. However, a significant portion also keeps their social media profiles private to avoid this issue.
  6. Employee Decision to Stay or Leave: Enjoyment of work, compensation, and work-life balance are the primary factors influencing employees’ decisions to stay or leave their current jobs. A significant percentage of employees are considering leaving their current jobs for new opportunities.
  7. Employer Branding and Career Site: As the labor market evolves, showcasing a strong employer brand and creating an easy-to-use career site are crucial for recruiting and retaining top talent. Employers need to think strategically and creatively about engaging candidates on their preferred platforms and terms.

These insights highlight the importance of optimizing the candidate experience, prioritizing skills-based hiring, and maintaining a strong employer brand to attract and retain top talent in today’s competitive job market.