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HomeNewsThe Josh Bersin Company Launches Galileo: A Revolutionary HR AI Assistant

The Josh Bersin Company Launches Galileo: A Revolutionary HR AI Assistant

The Josh Bersin Company Launches Galileo: A Revolutionary HR AI Assistant
At Irresistible 2024, The Josh Bersin Company Launches General Availability of Galileo™, The World’s Most Trusted AI Assistant for HR, with 60+ Enterprise Rollouts

The Josh Bersin Company unveils Galileo, a cutting-edge AI assistant designed to revolutionize HR operations, empower decision-makers, and drive organizational success. Learn about Galileo’s transformative capabilities and its impact on HR professionals globally.

  1. Advanced AI Expertise: Galileo harnesses over 25 years of The Josh Bersin Company’s expertise and content to deliver unparalleled HR support and insights. By leveraging sophisticated AI algorithms, Galileo offers intuitive guidance on HR design, implementation, talent management, and more.
  2. Enhanced Productivity: With Galileo, HR and management teams can save valuable time by automating mundane tasks, accessing instant answers to HR and management queries, and streamlining daily workflows. By optimizing HR processes, Galileo empowers teams to focus on strategic initiatives and driving business outcomes.
  3. Customizable Solutions: Galileo’s user-friendly interface allows organizations to customize AI assistants tailored to specific HR disciplines, such as Talent Acquisition, Learning & Development (L&D), and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). Moreover, users can integrate corporate HR documentation and create private workspaces for enhanced data privacy and security.
  4. Trusted Partnerships: Through the Galileo Trusted Content Partner Program, organizations gain access to industry benchmarks, employment practices, critical skills data, and leadership frameworks from leading providers like Visier, Oyster, Lightcast, and Heidrick & Struggles. These partnerships enrich Galileo’s capabilities and provide users with comprehensive HR solutions.
  5. User Testimonials: Mary Glowacka, Head of Learning & Leadership Development at Rolls-Royce, highlights Galileo’s dynamic functionality and its role in simplifying HR professionals’ daily tasks. Glowacka emphasizes Galileo’s ability to enhance capabilities, save time, and serve as a trusted HR partner, driving organizational agility and employee empowerment.

Galileo represents a significant milestone in HR innovation, offering organizations worldwide access to a sophisticated AI assistant powered by The Josh Bersin Company’s unparalleled expertise. As the trusted advisor to HR leaders globally, The Josh Bersin Company continues to empower organizations with data-driven insights, thought leadership, and strategic guidance to navigate complex HR challenges and drive business success. With Galileo, HR professionals can unlock new levels of efficiency, productivity, and strategic agility, positioning their organizations for sustained growth and competitive advantage in the digital era.