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HomeNewsU.S. Retains Top Appeal for Global Talent: Appcast & BCG Report 2024

U.S. Retains Top Appeal for Global Talent: Appcast & BCG Report 2024

U.S. Retains Top Appeal for Global Talent: Appcast & BCG Report 2024
U.S. Continues to Be a Top Destination for International Workers: New Global Workforce Study from Appcast and Boston Consulting Group

 Appcast, a leading recruitment marketing tech provider, has released insights from the “Decoding Global Talent 2024″ report in partnership with Boston Consulting Group (BCG), The Network, and The Stepstone Group. The report underscores the U.S.’s enduring attractiveness as a destination for international talent.

  1. Global Interest in Working Abroad:
    • 23% of professionals actively seek jobs abroad.
    • 63% express willingness to work overseas.
    • Younger generations and populations with rapid growth show the highest interest.
  2. U.S. Among Top Destinations:
    • Australia ranks first, followed by the U.S., Canada, and the U.K.
    • Quality job opportunities and quality of life drive the U.S.’s appeal.
    • Major U.S. cities see increased interest: New York City, Los Angeles, and Washington D.C.
  3. Factors Driving U.S. Attraction:
    • Reasons include job opportunities (77%), quality of life (56%), and cost considerations.
    • Factors influencing job acceptance: personal contact (62%), negotiation (57%), and relocation assistance (51%).
    • Technology and IT professionals show the highest interest in relocating to the U.S. (24%).
  4. Challenges and Opportunities for Employers:
    • The need for employers to revamp recruitment and integration processes.
    • Governments can support with policies and incentives.
    • Remote work gains traction: 55% of U.S. workers open to foreign remote roles, and 78% of international workers interested in U.S. remote positions.

The “Decoding Global Talent 2024” report underscores the U.S.’s continued allure for international workers, driven by quality job opportunities and quality of life. As remote work gains popularity, U.S. employers have a unique opportunity to tap into a global talent pool, tailoring their strategies to match both employer and employee needs.