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Understanding Hiring Managers’ Perspectives on Pronouns in Resumes and the Workplace: Insights from Survey

Understanding Hiring Managers' Perspectives on Pronouns in Resumes and the Workplace: Insights from Survey Survey Finds 1 in 7 Hiring Managers Less Likely To Hire Candidates Who List Pronouns on Resumes recently conducted a survey among 1,000 U.S. hiring managers to examine attitudes towards candidates listing preferred pronouns on resumes and the impact of pronoun usage in the workplace. The findings shed light on how this practice influences hiring decisions and workplace dynamics.

  1. Hiring Managers’ Attitudes:
    • Positive Views: 66% of hiring managers hold a positive view of employees sharing their pronouns in the workplace.
    • Neutral Views: 23% remain neutral, while 11% have a negative opinion.
    • Impact on Hiring: 58% view candidates listing pronouns on resumes positively, with 25% more likely to hire such candidates.
    • Concerns: 15% view this practice negatively, citing concerns about political implications and conflicts with other employees.
  2. Factors Influencing Hiring Decisions:
    • Alignment with Company Culture: 73% believe listing pronouns indicates alignment with company culture.
    • Diversity and Inclusion: 69% see it as supportive of diversity initiatives.
    • Personal Preference: 57% personally prefer candidates who include their pronouns.
  3. Challenges in the Workplace:
    • Issues Reported: 33% of hiring managers believe pronoun usage has led to workplace challenges.
    • Common Challenges: Misunderstandings, discomfort in using certain pronouns, need for training, resistance to non-traditional norms, and conflicts among employees.
    • Comfort Levels: 18% express discomfort using gender non-conforming pronouns.

The survey underscores the growing acceptance of pronoun inclusion in resumes and the workplace, alongside challenges that require education and sensitivity. Understanding and respecting preferred pronouns are crucial steps towards fostering an inclusive workplace environment.